Tech Tool |
Description |
Device and Internet Connection |
1:1 Technology(degree-seeking students taking 3+ credits) |
The new Lenovo Laptops have Windows 10 Pro. These laptops can be set up without internet. If you have slower internet speed at home, you 可能想要考虑在校园下载Office 365软件包. 详情请咨询您的学生服务代表: Macy- Dustin 402-243-1633, Janelle 402-241-5909; Santee- Dana 402-241-5929, Chastity 402-241-5920; Online- Yasmeen- 402-241-5947;SSC - Raquel - 531-242-4152; PNC- Marcella- 918-285-0946, Amanda- 918-762-3343 |
Student Loaner Laptops(non-degree seeking students or > 3 credits) |
The HP Stream laptops come with Windows 10 Home in S Mode. 这些电脑将只运行微软允许的程序/应用程序. You will have 运行包含在Office 365帐户中的程序/应用程序没有问题. 详情请咨询您的学生服务代表: Macy- Dustin 402-243-1633, Janelle 402-241-5909; Santee- Dana 402-241-5929, Chastity 402-241-5920; Online- Yasmeen- 402-241-5947;SSC - Raquel - 531-242-4152; PNC- Marcella- 918-285-0946, Amanda- 918-762-3343 |
MiFi Internet Access(Contact Student Services for details) |
十大赌博靠谱信誉网站可以帮助住在服务区的学生上网 梅西百货和桑蒂百货附近的互联网助推器区域,以及周边地区. 详情请咨询您的学生服务代表: Macy- Dustin 402-243-1633, Janelle 402-241-5909; Santee- Dana 402-241-5929, Chastity 402-241-5920; Online- Yasmeen- 402-241-5947;SSC - Raquel - 531-242-4152; PNC- Marcella- 918-285-0946, Amanda- 918-762-3343 |
Office 365 Pro Plus for Faculty and Students
of charge. 这意味着完整的Office生产力套件的最新版本,包括
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote等可用于离线和在线使用
best prepare you for class. 只要你是这里的学生,项目还在继续,
you’ll be able to use this software for free.
To get your Office follow these simple steps: For PC and Mac:
For iOS and Android: Download from your app store
You will need your e-mail address ex: (学生的电子邮件以你的所在地开头——Mac代表梅西,San代表圣提,SSC代表圣提 South Sioux City) to sign in. If you have trouble installing Office, this guide may resolve your issue: |
十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Classes |
Canvas by Instructure(web/app) |
Canvas is 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站’s Online Learning System. Here you can access class materials, submit assignments, use the gradebook, view the online syllabus AND MORE from any mobile device. Check out the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Student Orientation 页面,与您的十大赌博靠谱信誉网站家庭见面,并了解我们提供的更多资源 all three campuses. Instructions-
十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Communication |
Microsoft Teams(web/app) |
Microsoft Teams是十大赌博靠谱信誉网站使用的主要虚拟课堂会议平台. 这个虚拟会议地点与您的十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Office 365帐户绑定,非常方便 to access through your email. You can meet virtually, send chats, access class 在这个平台上录制(如果适用)和参加课程. You can join through 浏览器,下载到电脑(如果还没有),或下载通过您的 device’s app store. How to Download Microsoft Teams (Links to an external site.) |
Zoom (depending on instructor)(web/app)
缩放是屏幕到屏幕通信的另一种方法. Zoom will not need to be downloaded unless specified by instructor. 您可以通过视频通话进行面对面交谈,共享屏幕,使用聊天等等.
For more info. Check out Zoom’s website: |
Email (app)Outlook 2016(web/app)
你的移动设备可能已经有一个默认的电子邮件应用程序ou can use for your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email, or you can use the Outlook 2016 app. This app is available on mobile devices as well as on employee’s computers. Settings you may need to add your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 e-mail:
Saving Your Documents |
OneDrive是一项文件托管服务,允许用户同步文件并稍后访问 them from a web browser or mobile device. Within OneDrive, users can upload, create, 在Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint和OneNote中编辑和共享文件. In addition, Office Online工具允许多个用户同时协作.
For more information:
Google Drive(web/app)
Similar to OneDrive, Google Drive is a place to save all of 您的文件,并访问他们从多个设备使用您的Gmail登录信息. 在Google Drive中,你可以使用几个工具:Google Docs (similar to Word), Google Sheets (similar to Excel), Google Slides (similar to PowerPoint), etc. You can also collaborate with others across the web. An added feature is the accessibility to work offline. Your file then syncs/updates once you are reconnected to wi-fi.
*注意*你将需要创建一个Gmail用户名和密码,如果你没有一个 already. |
Study and Organize |
TutorMe (embedded in Canvas) |
TutorMe is available 24/7 in all 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Canvas Courses. 365 days a year, you can log in and meet face-to-face with a tutor to help you learn. You can also submit your papers to the Writing Center embedded in tutor me. Tutors are available at any time- 7 am, 5pm, 3 am, and more. You can also return to the same tutors if you have tutors you prefer to work with.
In each 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Canvas 在课程的菜单栏中,你可以找到TutorMe连接,它会让你登录并 允许你开始辅导或通过写作帮助台提交.
Tiny Scanner OR Cam Scanner(apps)
Both Tiny Scanner and Cam Scanner turns your mobile device into a portable document scanner and you can scan everything as images or PDFs. These pdf document scanner apps are 可在各种移动设备(手机和平板电脑)上访问.
*Tiny Scanner may 允许您扫描多个页面并仍将其保存为一个内聚的PDF文档. |
NaturalReader is a site that allows you to turn your PDFs into audio. NaturalReader 阅读文本给用户,它也具有字体方便阅读困难的用户. 可以从网站、苹果商店下载,也可以通过Chrome连接吗 and other interfaces. 免费版本可以在网上找到,更新版本可以在你的 device’s app store. Learn more here: NaturalReader's website |
Mendeley OR Zotero(web and/or app)
Both Mendeley and Zotero are dedicated to helping make researching and writing easier. These sites help with citations and references and 也可以帮助你把所有的研究文章组织到一个地方.
Learn more about Mendeley:
Learn more about Zotero: |
Prezi/Prezi Viewer(web/app)
Prezi is great for making presentations more visually appealing. It feels more interactive than traditional slides/power points and is very user-friendly. You can chose 在各种样式和布局之间,并允许您查看演示文稿 as a concept map or bigger picture.
For more details, check out:
Soundcloud是一个允许用户免费上传音频的平台. This application is used for music, podcasts, or even recordings for class. SoundCloud is especially helpful for its wide accessibility to listen to and upload new content.
Learn more at: |
NebraskAccess is an online database that’s free to all Nebraskans. A driver’s license or school code will allow you to do a personalized search by category. 你可以访问期刊文章,杂志,书籍,甚至找到可用的书 inter-library loan.
Talk to your librarian for more information, as well as check out NebraskAccess at:
Google Scholar(website) |
Google Scholar helps connect students to online resources. Google Scholar can help 学生可以找到期刊文章、书籍或其他在线期刊. It can also help with citations.
For more information check out:
Google Books(website) |
谷歌图书帮助学生通过pdf、在线副本或实体书与书籍联系起来 copies for sale. Google Books also helps with citations as welL在学生借阅或购买书籍之前给他们预览书籍.
For more info., check out |
Survey Monkey(web/app)
Survey Monkey is a great tool to 衡量你的学生、同事或社区成员的意见. You can organize preferences for meeting times and locations,投票项目,甚至在课堂上吸引学生. It also can be a great 用于解释教育目的的调查和研究的工具. Users create their own surveys and design it to fit their specific need.
Learn more about it on the Survey Monkey Website. |
设计传单、社交媒体帖子、简历等等. Canva使用已经创建的新鲜,现代的模板,并允许您更新 color, photos, text, etc. 完成的设计可以以PDF、JPEG和其他格式下载. You can also collaborate with others to co-create designs.
Check out more at Canva's Website. |
In case you are interested in exploring tools beyond this list, please check out the compilation from Times Higher Education. It features a list of A-Z tools others in academia are using to succeed: